Functor Nocrypto.Rsa.OAEP

module OAEP: 
functor (H : Nocrypto.Hash.S-> sig .. end
OAEP-padded encryption, as defined by PKCS #1 v2.1.

The same hash function is used for padding and MGF. MGF is MGF1 as defined in PKCS #1 2.1.

Keys must have a minimum of 2 + 2 * hlen + len(message) bytes, where hlen is the hash length.

H : Nocrypto.Hash.S

val encrypt : ?g:Nocrypto.Rng.g ->
?label:Cstruct.t -> -> Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t
encrypt ~g ~label ~key message is OAEP-padded and encrypted message, using the optional label.
Raises Insufficient_key (see Insufficient_key)
val decrypt : ?mask:Nocrypto.Rsa.mask ->
?label:Cstruct.t -> key:Nocrypto.Rsa.priv -> Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t option
decrypt ~mask ~label ~key ciphertext is Some message if the ciphertext was produced by the corresponding encrypt operation, or None otherwise.