Module Nocrypto

module Nocrypto: sig .. end
Simpler crypto

Nocrypto is a cryptographic library.

The overarching API principle is simply mapping inputs to outputs, wherever feasible.

Similar algorithms in the same class (like hashes or block ciphers) are presented as distinct modules sharing the same signature.

Randomness is treated as an ambient effect.

v0.5.4-1-ga89c616 — homepage


module Base64: sig .. end
Base64 conversion.
module Numeric: sig .. end
Numeric utilities.


module Hash: sig .. end

Symmetric-key cryptography

module Cipher_block: sig .. end
Block ciphers.
module Cipher_stream: sig .. end
Streaming ciphers.


module Rng: sig .. end
Secure random number generation.

Public-key cryptography

module Rsa: sig .. end
RSA public-key cryptography.
module Dsa: sig .. end
DSA digital signature algorithm.
module Dh: sig .. end
Diffie-Hellman, MODP version.