Functor Nocrypto.Rng.Make_N

module Make_N: 
functor (N : Nocrypto.Numeric.S-> S.N with type t = N.t
Creates a suite of generating functions over a numeric type.
N : Nocrypto.Numeric.S

type t 
The type of extracted values.
val gen : ?g:Nocrypto.Rng.g -> t -> t
gen ~g n picks a value in the interval [0, n - 1] uniformly at random.
val gen_r : ?g:Nocrypto.Rng.g ->
t -> t -> t
gen_r ~g low high picks a value from the interval [low, high - 1] uniformly at random.
val gen_bits : ?g:Nocrypto.Rng.g -> ?msb:int -> int -> t
gen_bits ~g ~msb n picks a bit-string n bits long, with msb most significant bits set, and interprets it as a t in big-endidan. This yields a value in the interval [2^(n-1) + ... + 2^(n-msb), 2^n - 1].

msb defaults to 0 which reduces gen_bits k to gen 2^k.